Victorian Building and Construction Industry Coronavirus (COVID-19) Agreed Guidelines (Revision 12)
Revision 12 of the
Building and Construction Industry COVID-19 Guidelines are issued as of today’s date (23 April 2021) and take effect immediately. Consistent with Department of Health Workplace Directions No 24, issued 9 April 2021 and Department of Health Stay Safe Directions No 19 issued 9 April 2021, the following are the major updates:
1. State of Emergency
The State of Emergency powers of the Victorian Government are extended to 11.59pm 4 June 2021. These powers enable the government and Department of Health to make and enforce Workplace and Stay Safe Directions to manage the Coronavirus pandemic in Victoria.
2. COVIDSafe Plan
Under the Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions, each employer must have a COVIDSafe Plan. Importantly, employers are reminded to update their COVIDSafe Plans regularly and as always, to consult with employees and their representatives in doing so.
3. Workplace Mapping and QR Codes
The Guidelines also encourage the use of appropriate electronic workplace nmapping including QR codes wherever possible and employers are encouraged to check that their service is compatible with the Victorian Government’s QR Code Service, which is a free service that directly links to the Department of Health contract tracing team.
(Section 3.2)
4. Face Masks
Consistent with the Stay Safe Directions, face masks MUST still be carried at all times and our Guidelines continue to require that facemasks MUST still be worn when physical distancing is not possible at work and particularly when travelling in hoists/lifts.
(Section 3.9)
5. COVID Marshals
The Guidelines also retain the requirement for COVID Marshals for Large Scale Construction projects/sites.
(Section 3.12)
6. Incolink/Protect Hardship payments
Assistance remains available for those workers who may be experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(Sections 4.1.14, 4.3.4, 4.4.5 and 5.2.5)
7. Government Assistance
Commonwealth government assistance via the Job Keeper and Job Seeker schemes has now ceased. The Victorian government has a number of assistance schemes, now referenced.
(Section 5.10)
Please note that there is no change in these Guidelines to the Density Quotient for crib rooms and amenities on building/construction sites – the quotient is 1 person per 2 sqm and the overarching requirement of physical distancing 1.5 metres remains in the interests of best practices in our industry.
Also note that the title of these Industry Guidelines now include the word AGREED – reflecting the commitment of all industry stakeholders to them.
Download the Building and Construction Industry COVID-19 Guidelines