ADA Support & Learning Hub
Empower Your Well-Being
Exclusive Mental Health Resources for ETU Members
Navigating Life’s Storms Together
As an ETU Member, you and your family have access to an exclusive catalogue of online mental health resources from ADA.
We are working with ADA Australia to provide you with this ETU Support & Learning Hub ensuring valuable content and training is easily accessible across all platforms, for all members. It will provide you and your families with access to information that increases awareness and takes you through positive personal practices to help ‘ride out’ challenging times. This guidance, support and information will help ETU members understand and recognise their own mental health and stress responses, and assist them with positive coping strategies.
To access this catalogue, all you need is your ETU member number.
If you or someone in your family needs support or guidance with any of the matters presented, please contact us at the Centre For U and find out how your union can help.

Representing members working in the electrical and communications contracting industry, power, manufacturing, education, hospitality, aerospace, food and other industries