Page 5 - ETU Journal Autumn 2017
P. 5
tHE Etu > AutuMn 2016 5
 tO strengtH!
Shop Stewards Conference, great deals on Etu merchandise, and more .
Our huge Biennial Shop Stewards Conference is coming up at the end of June — see page 15 for details. This is the event at which the union will set its strategic direction for the next two years and beyond. If you’re a Shop Steward, make sure you’re enrolled to attend. If you would like to raise an issue for discussion at the conference, talk to your Shop Steward.
DAmien Thomlinson will speak at the eTU shop stewards Conference this year.
Change is underway in the world of ETU-branded merchandise. We are currently running a clearance sale to clear our warehouse of existing stock. It has been so successful that we shifted over 2,000 items in just one week during April. People love the ETU! Get in quick to grab yourself a bargain as our t-shirts and hoodies are literally lying of the shelves.
We recently entered into a new partnership with Staples Advantage for the provision of logistical support for the ETU Shop. This will lead to faster turnaround of orders, cheaper overheads for the union and greater variety of merchandise. You can expect to see a new range of ETU gear shortly.
The union has established a women’s committee in recognition of the issues that have a greater impact on our many female members. We will ensure that our new merchandise range caters for our women members and investigate options for sourcing properly itting work attire.
It Is unacceptable that the mIsguIded austRalIa FIRst paRtY aRe usIng the euReka Flag as a sYmbol FoR theIR dIvIsIve and RacIst Ideas. the etu stands agaInst RacIsm and bIgotRY In all Its FoRms.
practices of the big-end-of-town extend far beyond our own industry as the recent Panama Papers leak has revealed.
We desperately need a proper independent corruption body in this land. Not an ABCC that just targets some of the hardest working people in this country, construction workers. We need a truly independent body that will investigate all aspects of corruption, including tax evasion.
Our union: a heartening 94% strong
Recently union membership density across our workplaces was mapped at an astonishing 94%. This is a igure even the biggest and loudest union would be jealous of and is testament to the diligence and passion of our members and Shop Stewards. You recognise the value of belonging
to our union and wish to share the love. Thank you for your eforts and support. We couldn’t do what we
do without you and never take your ongoing membership of our union for granted. n
JAmes sAleAm chairman of the Australia First Party.
Guarding the spirit of the Eureka Flag: no room for racism
We recently learnt that the far-
right Australia First Party has attempted to register the Eureka
Flag as its emblem on ballot papers. This divisive organisation has no business appropriating this symbol of Australian freedom and fairness.
The miners, representing 18 diferent nationalities, who fought under this lag during the Eureka Rebellion did so ‘irrespective of nationality, religion or colour. as a refuge of all the oppressed from all countries on earth’.
It is unacceptable that this misguided organisation, and others like it, are using the Eureka Flag
as a symbol for their divisive and racist ideas. The ETU stands against racism and bigotry in all its forms. Read more about our position on the recent resurgence of racist politics on page 24.
national Corruption Commission
The ETU supports a broad-based national corruption commission, as we outline on page 8. The Trade Unions Royal Commission
has been revealed as farcical in ignoring the construction companies and their dodgy dealings.
And yet the corrupt
Troy Gray,
State Secretary

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